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Whose Ending Is It Anyways?

In a dusty corner of Ten Forward, the Library Team sits down to come up with an idea for celebrating the Anniversary of OTF.

"Hey," says Majin, "How about a 'choose your own ending' contest? You know, like those good old 'choose your own adventure' books."

tGK looks up from doodling in the dust, "Heck yeah! I remember those, or at least my program does. Being a hologram, I can access any database I want that is linked to OTF. It's good to be a hologram." :)

Majin shakes his head, "But this is a really cool idea. Have you ever wanted to change the ending of say Enterprise's final show, or Return of the Jedi, or any other book that you have read? That's the whole premise behind this contest! There are however, certain guidelines for sending in your endings."

tGk looks up at the camera crew. "Here we go," he says with a wink.

Majin goes on without missing a beat, "First, they'll have to make sure not to exceed 5 pages double-spaced, and to follow OTF's Prime Directives. Other than that, make sure that the ending is based in that universe and uses the characters already established. Though, if you want to add in a character or two who you believe would help to establish a valid ending, that is fine as well. These have to be sent in to the Library Guild by July 22nd."

tGK looks at Majin, "Hey, that IS a cool idea!"

He pokes the Betazoid Gift Box, which proclaims, "Hey hey! Majin is betrothed to tGK!!! Oh, you could've done so much better..."

Majin and tGK just close their eyes and shake their heads.

Please send entries to Majin Kaze:

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