Artists Guild Artists Guild Artists Guild Artists Guild Artists Guild Artists Guild Artists Guild

Tenth Anniversary Artist Guild Competition

Well, it's that time of year again. What time is that? Well, it's Anniversary time! And this year is special. It's Outpost10F's 10th, and the Artist Guild is holding a special contest.

It isn't any different than any of the contests that we've had in the past, except that it has a special theme! Depict your favorite memory from times past. Could be the many food fights, klingon pillow fights, the congo lines, or whatever else you can think of.

You're open to any medium of your choice, and the entries must abide by the Prime Directives. (I know some of those memories weren't particularly PD friendly :-P )

What are you doing? Get going!

Please send entries to CL6 Phill at

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