Q Mille Failte

by Puck
  "Good morning, Kathy!"
Kathryn Janeway started out of bed, blinking and trying to focus on the darkness around her. She was vaguely aware of a presence next to her in the bed, but when she looked, no one was there. Realization flashed over her face and she groaned and stuffed her head under a pillow. "What do you want NOW?" she wailed, though her irritation was muffled by the pillow.
"Why, just a little chat, Kathy! You never want to talk to me anymore."
"I never wanted to talk to you in the first place! Who would!?" Kathryn retorted, hoping that if she was rude enough, Q would simply vanish without blowing her to bits.
"You don't seem very conversational this morning. Perhaps a little change in tone would suffice?" As soon as he said the word 'tone', Q's voice abruptly took on a thick Irish brogue.
Kathryn peeked out from under the pillow and shot a deathglare in his general direction. "That's not funny, Q." She warned.
"Fine. I'll add it to the exponential list of things you don't find funny." Q shot back, appearing with a dazzling flash of light that Kathryn had come to loathe so much that she didn't find it very dazzling at all, seated in her favorite chair. "All right, if it isn't the voice, maybe an adjustment in rank would do the trick?"
When she glanced back at him, he was smirking, and his field commission commander's pip glistened with obvious sparkles. "Q," she took on a threatening tone. "What do you want?"
"Why do you humans always assume that I want something? How do you know that I'm not just passing by, desiring to have a chat with an old friend?"
"First of all, I know you. Second of all, I'm not old. Third, I'm not your friend. I'd say that I have plenty of reasons to suspect that you have an ulterior motive." Kathryn rolled over and squeezed her eyes shut, too exhausted to even bother with calling security.
"Madame Captain, I am truly upset by your lack of consideration for me." Q actually sounded genuinely hurt, but Kathryn felt no remorse. She was actually driven to giddy celebration by his melancholy tone.
"Oh really, Q?" she guffawed. "Then cry."
"Pish posh!" Q snorted and stood. "I am far above any such piffy human nuances."
"Of course you are, Q." Kathryn intoned, praying that he would get bored and leave within the next nanosecond. "I'm really tired. Why don't you just tell me what you want so that I can refuse and get back to sleep?"

At the tone of his voice and the lack of that annoying "Kathy" nickname, Kathryn actually looked up to find Q with a somber expression on his face. "What?" she demanded.
"I want to help you."
"Q, I really don't need your help right now. Unless you would like to leave. That would be of great assistance to me." Kathryn rolled over once more, determined to sleep for at least another hour before her shift started.
"You helped Miss Q and I resolve our differences. I owe you a debt."
"Then repay it and get out of my quarters."
The next thing she knew, Kathryn was floating in empty space, and she shrieked out of reflex, though she oddly didn't feel as though her eyeballs were about to pop out of her head, as one would when swimming around in a gigantic vacuum. "Q!" she shouted, though she knew that sound couldn't travel in space. Fortunately, Q seemed to defy most of the laws of physics, and materialized next to her.
"Yes, Kathy?"
"Bring. Me. Back. NOW." she rasped, clenching and unclenching her fists.
"But you said you wanted me to get out of your quarters. Since I wasn't finished with our conversation, I'm assuming this is what you meant."
"Yes, Kathy?"
"Have you ever heard the phrase, 'When you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME both'?"
A slow, intolerable smile spread over Q's face as he absorbed the shot. "No," he chuckled. "But I really must keep that one in mind."
Kathryn swung a fist at him and was not in the least bit surprised when her hand passed right through him.
"Now now, such violence from the Captain of a starship." Q mocked. "Do you want me to help you or not?"
Kathryn sighed. "All right, Q, if you'll promise to take me back to Voyager, I'll consider your offer of 'help'", she spat, shaking her head.
"Splendid!" Q exclaimed, and leaned in close to whisper his proposal to her.

* * *

Tom Paris was getting ready to go off duty. He was having dinner with B'Elanna, Harry, and Seven that evening, and Commander Chakotay was slated to get off duty at the same time so he thought of asking him to join them. He made his final adjustments to the flight plan for the day before glancing up at the viewscreen.
Now, Tom Paris is not the type of man who goes around screaming at the sight of a mouse or a spider or a speck of dust. He's considered unflappable by most, as he's seen too many things in his life to be taken by surprise by much of anything at all. However, what he saw on the viewscreen that day was something he had never seen. And he screamed.
"CAPTAIN!" He choked out, staring ahead.
Chakotay glanced up to see what the hell Tom was carrying on about now, but stood up so fast he practically propelled himself across the room. "What the hell?" he yelped, staring.
Kathryn Janeway, with the most irate, stone cold glare on her face, stood - actually, she wasn't really standing, as Voyager was flying along at a leisurely Warp 6 and she was pacing them effortlessly - in empty space. She was waving her arms about and acting as though she were having an obscene conversation, but no one else was with her. "Beam her back in here, Paris!"
Tom sat back down at his console and shakily punched in some commands before leaning back and letting out a muffled curse.
"Tom? Do you have her?" Chakotay demanded, shaking with terror.
"No, sir. But apparently an old friend does." Tom pointed to his console, and Chakotay reddened as he read the words: Nice try, Helm Boy. Kathy and I aren't finished chatting yet. But I assure you, she's in good hands, and I won't let anything happen to your precious Captain.
"God dammit," Chakotay breathed. "Q." He turned and began to trot to the turbolift. "I'm taking a shuttle out to get her. Paris, you have the-"
"There's more, Commander," Tom interrupted, past horror and well into a comfortable shock.
Chakotay eyed him before moving back down to read the rest of the message:
And don't even think about letting at abominable tattooed man take out a shuttlecraft to try and rescue her. Not only would such an effort undoubtedly prove fruitless, but Chuckles has wrecked enough shuttles to build an entire fleet of starships. She will return shortly. Have a nice day!
Chakotay slammed a fist into the back of Tom's chair and sat down, never taking his eyes off of Kathryn. "Fine. I guess we wait." He growled.

* * *

"This is absolutely preposterous!" Kathryn was well past annoyance and was teetering dangerously close to uncontrollable rage. She waved her arms around in fury. "How dare you try to poke around in my personal affairs!"
"First of all, I don't have to try. I know everything about everything. So don't worry about me trying. Secondly, taking such an action as this would definitely prove worthwhile to you and your pathetic sex life."
"Q." Kathryn whirled on him and for one horrible instant, Q was actually afraid of her. Fortunately, the instant passed nearly as quickly as it came, and he regained his confidant air without missing a beat.
"Are you afraid of the fact that you won't be able to control his every sense of self anymore? Is that it?" He sneered.
"No! You can't just go around doing things like this, with the flick of a switch!", she ranted.
"Yes, I can." Q sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, feigning annoyance. "All right, this is obviously too big of a decision for you to be able to make within the next minute or so. I'll give you two days to decide. Just call me when you've made up your mind."
"My mind is made up! The answer is no!" Kathryn yelled forcefully, stamping her foot against the blackness of space.
He winked at her knowingly. "We'll see, Kathryn. We'll see."
With that, Kathryn was suddenly standing on the bridge, her fists clenched so hard she thought they might pop off, her face flushed with rage, and her bridge crew staring at her with the most curious expressions she'd ever seen.

"Captain!" Chakotay bounded up the steps and grabbed her arm. "Are you all right?"
"Perfectly fine, Commander. It appears we've earned another visit from everyone's favorite child-like super-being."
Q's voice rang out throughout the bridge. "I wouldn't say you've earned it, Madame Captain."
Kathryn glowered at nothing in particular and stalked off toward her ready room, either unaware or simply beyond caring that she was still in her nightclothes.
Chakotay followed her into her office, though her body language clearly suggested she wished to be alone. "What did he want?" he asked as she flopped down behind her desk and seethed.
"He wanted to help me," she spat out angrily.
Chakotay snickered. "Oh really?" he said disbelievingly.
"That's what I said! But he was so damned persistent and he didn't let on that anything else was up his sleeve." Kathryn pounded her head lightly on her desk. "Why me?" She moaned.
"Q always has something up his sleeve. Maybe I'll have an objective view if you tell me what he wanted to help with," Chakotay offered, his curiosity getting the better of him.
Kathryn stared at him, her face slowly turning a deep shade of red. She looked away, embarrassed, her hair hiding her face. "He offered to mummhummhumm," she mumbled.
"I beg your pardon?" Chakotay prodded.
"He offered to druhhmannhuh." Another inaudible mumble.
"Captain-" Chakotay began, but was startled to silence as Janeway stood abruptly and shouted, "HE WANTS TO MAKE MICHAEL A HUMAN BEING!"

Chakotay opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. Instead, he stifled a snicker and tried to keep his composure. "Oh?" He asked, careful to keep his tone neutral.
Janeway sighed and plopped back into her chair. "It's his way of repaying me for helping him and Miss Q."
Chakotay leaned up against the desk, palms down. "I don't see what the problem is." He stated.
She gazed at him, thunderstruck. "You can't be serious."
"Well, why not? It would certainly narrow the disadvantages that come with being involved with a hologram." Chakotay sensed an argument and agreeably sat in the chair facing her.
"And it would exponentially increase the disadvantages to being involved with a flesh and blood human being!" Janeway roared. "And besides, what if more of the crew decide to become involved with holograms? What then? Just have Q snap his fingers and bring their fantasies to life?"
Chakotay waited patiently. "Kathryn, it hardly seems to me like Michael Sullivan is a fantasy to you."
"The Doctor and I have already had this discussion."
Janeway's face flushed. "And- oh." She thumped her head back on the table. "I can't really explain my reasons, Chakotay. I just don't feel that this would be a very wise thing to do. Especially with Q! Who knows what the bastard is up to?"
Chakotay stifled a grin. "Well, at least he's not chasing after you anymore," he reasoned. "Want your first officer's advice?"
"No, but I have a feeling I'll need it anyway."
"You're right, you might. Even though you've denied yourself access to his subroutines, you're still in control. Are you sure you're not just afraid that you'll lose most of that control if Michael becomes a completely sentient human being?" Chakotay didn't waver once, though he knew he was wading in dangerous waters. Luckily, Janeway didn't seem too upset.
"Chakotay, I have to keep in mind that if I do decide to take Q up on his offer, we'll have a 19th century Irish civilian on our hands. Once he's here to stay, what will I do with him? Keep him locked in my closet?"
Chakotay opened his mouth to reply.
Janeway held up a hand and growled, "don't answer that."
Chakotay shut his mouth and smiled sweetly. "Well, I'm sure we could find some place for him to make himself useful. Other than-"
"Commander," Janeway warned, before stifling a grin. "Well, what about the crew? We can't very well have everyone just turning their favorite characters into real life matter on a whim."
"Captain, the crew knows that you're in a different position than anyone on this ship. That Michael is your only option. Everyone else can fraternize with their peers. You're the captain. You won't let yourself get close in that way- to anyone." He glanced away, regretting his words instantly. His feelings for Kathryn Janeway were not a secret from her, but he was determined to see her happy.
She regarded him for a tender moment, understanding and reaching out with the warmth in her eyes. "I know," she soothed. "I'm sorry." She shook her mind clear and continued, uncomfortable with the silence in the room. "What if he just doesn't want to?"
Chakotay recovered and grinned. "And miss spending a lifetime with you?" His smile widened. "He'd have to be crazy."
Janeway smiled and cast her glance down. "Thank you, Chakotay. If that's all…"
He took his cue and stood. "Aye, Captain. Good luck."
She watched him leave with a sad expression on her face. As the doors closed behind him, she swiveled her chair to gaze at the comforting starfield surrounding her. "Thanks," she replied.

* * *

Katie O'Clare strode through the cobblestone streets of Fair Haven, nodding and smiling as she greeted passersby. Since the 'Spirit Folk Incident', as the crew now referred to it, the people of Fair Haven seemed to treat her with even more respect and decency than before, if possible. Some called her Kathryn now, but most still referred to her as Katie O'Clare. Little old Seamus still occasionally sidled up and asked her to perform some ridiculous miracle, such as turning the sky green, but it had become something of a running joke between himself and the Voyager crew. Kathryn admitted to herself that Fair Haven's traumatic discovery of the crew's true nature had put a bit of strain on her and Michael's relationship at first, but they had gradually grown closer than ever in recent months as he struggled to understand her, and she him.

She entered the pub and walked immediately to the bar, where Michael was chatting with Peter O'Malley, a young lad who absolutely idolized Seven of Nine. She grinned as Peter tipped his hat and shuffled off to a table, then turned her smile to Michael.
"Good marnin' Katie," Michael greeted her, drinking in her appearance with approval. "You here to challenge me to a game o' rings or to just talk?"
"I actually have something very important I need to discuss with you. If you have a moment?"
Michael grinned and winked. "For you, I have a thousand of 'em. Liam!" He called over her shoulder. The massive ex-arm wrestling champ strode over.
"What is it, Michael?"
"I need ya to tend to the bar while I go have a talk with Katie here."
"Free Guinness?" Liam licked his lips.
Michael sighed. "All right, ONE glass," he relented as he and Kathryn walked over to an unoccupied table in the corner of the room. Once they were seated, Michael took a hold of one of her hands and smiled in adoration. "All right, so what's this important issue you need to talk to me about?" he questioned.

Kathryn took a deep breath and pondered her words. Ultimately deciding that beating around the bush wouldn't help any, she promptly blurted out, "How would you feel about leaving Fair Haven and joining me on Voyager?"
Michael's smile was positively frozen in place. After an eternity, he blinked rapidly. "What're ya sayin'?" He asked, the smile still plastered to his face.
Kathryn sighed, though she completely understood his being taken aback. "Michael, I'm afraid we can't keep visiting Fair Haven forever," she explained. We can barely keep the holodeck running twelve hours a day, she thought, but she only continued with, "eventually we'll have to leave for good… and I'd much rather you stayed with me." There, that was easy.

Michael pondered for a moment, the grin evaporating into a thoughtful frown. "Why don't you stay here?" He asked.
Maybe not so easy.
Kathryn fumbled for words. "I'm a starship captain, Michael. I couldn't just abandon my crew like that." She sighed and covered their hands with her other one. "I'm asking you to join me on board my ship. Become a part of our family. Be with me every moment of every day. And… if you don't want to, I understand."
"Don't want to?" Michael chuckled in amazement. "Katie, I want to be with you as much as you want to be with me." He looked at the table. "But… I have responsibilities here, too. In Fair Haven. I can't just abandon them, as much as you can't abandon your crew."
Kathryn was completely prepared for that one. "We'll be able to visit Fair Haven often, Michael. It's just that our technology is limited, as my ship is in a unique situation. I won't be able to visit as often, more so than my crew. You'll have the ability to come back virtually whenever you want." She dared to hope as his eyes softened and he considered that.

"And what would I do with myself on Voyager?" He asked. "Tend the bar?"
"I'm afraid… Voyager doesn't have a bar. We don't even use real alcohol, just a substitute called synthehol."
"Long story."
"Ah… well… substitute or not, it doesn't matter to me, I'm not the one drinking it." His eyes twinkled. "Ya say you don't have a bar? Is that why Tommy and young Harry are in here so much?" He grinned as Kathryn laughed. The his expression became serious as he pondered. "Well… Katie… this is quite an offer you're makin' me," he mused. "I should probably sleep on it… drop by tomorrow and I'll let you know."
Kathryn smiled at him and patted his hand. "I'll be here." She stood and headed for the exit. "Have a good day, Michael," she smiled at him lovingly and resisted the urge to blow his a kiss. He winked at her before turning to his bar. The last thing Kathryn heard from him as she left the pub was, "Liam, you bloody fool! Get outta my taps! Out!"
Katie O'Clare laughed all the way to the bridge.

* * *

"So what?" Janeway glared at Chakotay as she casually wiped a napkin over her mouth.
"Did you ask him about it?" he prodded, taking a sip of the wine.
"Yes," she replied nonchalantly, dropping her napkin on her plate and pushing it aside. She picked up her wine glass and groaned as she saw the look Chakotay was giving her. "All right, what do you want to know?"
"Well, did he agree or not?"
"He's thinking about it. It's a big decision, Chakotay."
"Of course it is." Chakotay smirked. "I can't believe you actually did it, though. You never cease to amaze me."
"Oh?" Janeway folded her hands under her chin and gave him a look, daring him to go on.
"It's very hard to get you to change your mind about things. You seemed pretty set in your ways this morning."
"It's funny, the things you can do when you love someone." Janeway smiled and picked up the plates, heading over to the recycler.
"Indeed," Chakotay mused. "Remember when I made you those headboards on New Earth? I don't think my upper back will ever fully recover."
"You!" Janeway laughed and slapped him lightly on the arm as she returned to her seat. They laughed together, and Janeway couldn't help but feel that she wished things could work out between her and Chakotay. "You know I love you, Chakotay."
He stopped laughing, but was smiling as he nodded. "I know."
She held his hand briefly before standing and stretching, signaling her imminent retreat to her quarters for the night. Undaunted, Chakotay returned to the original subject.
"So… you didn't actually tell him you wanted to… 'make him human', did you?"
Kathryn balked. "Of course not!" She shook her head. "They may know that we're not from their world, but I don't think the people of Fair Haven are ready to discover their world isn't real. I asked him to join me on Voyager."
"Sounds simple enough."
"That's what I thought, until he countered by inviting me to 'leave Voyager' and stay in Fair Haven with him."
Chakotay guffawed. "That must've been a sight to see, you trying to talk your way out of that one." He grinned at her and stood. "Well, I'm glad it worked out all right."
She hugged him. "Thanks for your support, Chakotay. I doubt I could've even considered it without your input." She kissed him lightly on the cheek before sauntering toward the door. "See you in the morning," she called over her shoulder before the doors closed behind her.
Chakotay watched her leave, and chuckled to himself. He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen Kathryn Janeway so happy. Shaking his head in amusement, he padded off to the bedroom to change into his bedclothes.

* * *

When Kathryn awoke the next morning, she was still groggy from the wine and had a little trouble focusing on the room around her. Which was probably why she missed the figure relaxing in her favorite chair the first time she passed by on her way to the bathroom. The second time, however, she was fully awake, and she gasped slightly and jumped back as she saw the silhouette draped over the easy chair. "Morning, Kathy!", the figure called out cheerfully, and Kathryn immediately dropped her hand from her comm badge and sighed.
"Good morning, Q," she grumbled, returning to the bathroom.
"My my, aren't we in a mood today."
"I'm not a morning person, Q," came the sharp reply.
Q shrugged and stood from the chair. "You know, you've got really nice quarters. Pity you don't have anyone to share them with," he commented innocently.
"Oh, spare me your thinly veiled pokes, Q. I asked Michael yesterday evening. All right? Are you happy?" Janeway was clearly irritated, and Q made a mental note to not provoke her before she got her hands on some coffee.
"Did you? How splendid!" He chortled. "And what did the good lad say to your proposal?"
Janeway emerged, clipping on her pips and running fingers through her hair. "It's a big decision, Q. He's going to tell me this afternoon."
Q sighed. "You humans, even those of you who aren't really humans, sure can draw out these things longer than necessary."
"We're not prone to jumping into things without thinking," Janeway shot back.
"And you're saying I am?" Q retorted.
"Not at all," she replied evenly.
Q grumped. "Fine, fine. Well, contrary to popular belief, I do have other things to do besides hanging around these blasted starships waiting for you captains to make up your bloody minds. Just call me when you have an answer." With that, he vanished, leaving Janeway muttering and pacing, before she finally walked over to the replicator.

* * *

"So, in effect, Seven, having Q alter Michael so that he is a human instead of a hologram would not be confused with assimilation." Janeway was growing more and more annoyed by the moment, and she'd been having this stupid argument with Seven for the past fifteen minutes.
"Your logic is flawed," Seven countered. "You are deliberately changing the character's parameters to meet your needs. As do the Borg." She raised an eyebrow and got that infuriating Seven of Nine smirk on her face as she proceeded to look quite satisfied with herself.
Janeway smiled a tight smile, crinkling up her eyes and shaking her head curtly. "I think I've had enough." She spread out her hands in mock conciliation, though by this point she really wanted to wrap them around her protégé's throat.
Luckily for Seven, the ex-Borg had learned well from the Doctor's conversation lessons and didn't push the issue any further. Luckily for Janeway, Chakotay chose that moment to jump into the conversation and request approval for some obscure report. Janeway glanced at him gratefully as she signed off the report, then sat down in her seat with a weary sigh. "Status," she called out, taking a sip of coffee.
"On course for the Alpha Quadrant, speed, warp 6."
"Very good. If anyone needs me, I'll be in my ready room." She rose and strode to her office, and was only vaguely aware that someone had followed her in until she turned to come face to face with Lieutenant Kim.
"Lieutenant?" She asked, moving around behind her desk and placing the mug in its designated area.
"I was wondering, Captain…" he seemed uncomfortable, and was shifting his feet and avoiding her eyes.
"Yes?" She prodded, trying to add a soft edge to her voice.
"Well… you see, I think it's great that you're considering bringing Michael into the fold. I mean, we all love him, he's a great guy. And I know he loves you… he gave me a black eye over you."
Janeway smiled, remembering the incident in the pub. "Thank you, Mr. Kim,"
He finally looked up and locked with her gaze instantly. "Well… Captain, I don't mean to pry, but we all care about you. None of us wants to see you get hurt. And we'll go to any lengths to keep that from happening, you know that."
Janeway nodded, still not seeing what he was getting at.
"I guess I what I'm trying to say is... if it doesn't work out between you and Michael, after he's been… humanized… what will you do? I mean… you wouldn't… have Q come back and change him back, would you?"
Janeway was slightly taken aback by this unexpected question from her young officer. Truth be told, she hadn't even really considered it before. Fortunately, it was a firm enough issue that she was able to answer without hesitation. "Absolutely not. If something happens to go wrong between myself and Michael, it will be exactly as if something were to go wrong between Tom and B'Elanna, or Carey and Wildman, or any other human couple on this ship." She smiled softly. "Once it's done, it's done. If Michael does decide to join us, then once he is made human that's it. He's entitled to the same rights as any one of you. The Doctor included, of course. Hologram or not, Michael Sullivan is a valued part of my life, and that will never change." She sat down. "Does that put your concerns to rest, Lieutenant?"
Harry beamed and back toward the door, impressed with her speech. "Yes, ma'am!" he crowed, excited as anyone at the prospect of the beloved Michael joining the crew. Janeway leaned back, feeling more at ease with the entire situation than ever. If the crew could handle it, then she had no worries.

* * *

Michael Sullivan paced behind his bar, rubbing the counters down for the hundredth time that night. The pub was empty, not surprising considering it was nearly three in the morning. But Michael couldn't sleep worth a damn. Spend the rest of his life with Katie O'Clare on her spaceship? The idea was so intoxicating it seemed impossible. And with the incentive of being able to come back to his home whenever he wished just sweetened the deal. But there was a nagging feeling, something he couldn't place. A very small part of him, saddened by the thought of willingly leaving his beautiful country, with its rolling hills and breathtaking seacoasts. But it was Katie O'Clare! Katie, asking him, Michael Sullivan, to join her on her starship. But no matter how many good points he could bring up to himself, no matter how many times he mentally kicked his own teeth in for even having second thoughts, he couldn't get rid of that feeling.
He made his decision, and he would tell her tomorrow.

* * *

"Katie, I love you with everything I am."
"But nothing. I love you. There is no denying that, is there?"
Kathryn shook her head and kissed his cheek. "It goes both ways, Michael."
"I've decided to stay in Fair Haven."
Kathryn stared at him. "I see," she finally mustered.
He turned to fully face her and took her hands in his. "I just… I just can't leave this. Not yet. Maybe someday, Katie, but now is too soon. D'ya understand what I'm sayin'?" He pleaded with her through his gaze, and she smiled through her disappointment.
"I understand, Michael."
"Oh Katie, you're cryin'… I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, please don't cry."
"I'm sorry, I was just… I was nearly sure that you'd come." Kathryn wiped at her eyes as Michael kissed her softly.
He stroked her tears away and kissed her cheek. "Tell ya what. How about I come and visit you on Voyager every day? That way I can be there and then come back to my home for now. And maybe in the future I'll decide to keep myself on your ship."

Kathryn smiled sadly, trying to find the words to tell him it wasn't possible to compromise, and it was one or the other, when a familiar voice rang out in her head.
Anything's possible, Kathy. You deserve as much as you can get. Seize the moment. Check your pockets. Good luck.
Kathryn's hand flew to her pocket as she felt something lightweight suddenly appear against the cloth. She fingered it a moment, before closing her eyes and nodding a silent thanks to Q. Grinning, she pulled the object out of her pocket. "I think that's a fine idea, Michael," she laughed through her tears as she fastened the new mobile emitter to his sleeve.
He glanced at the device and recognized it immediately, before giving her a huge hug and touching it gingerly. "This… this is for me?" He asked wondrously.
"Yes. As you know, it'll let you travel freely between Fair Haven and Voyager whenever you want. Just say 'Computer, exit'—" the stark beige doors shimmered into view where the fireplace used to be –- "and there you'll be." Kathryn beamed at him and pulled him out of his chair toward the door. Just as they reached the control panel, she stopped short and turned to him. "Just don't be running around causing problems on my ship, or I'll have you demoted from bartender to window-washer."
Michael grinned and chuckled. "I don't doubt it, Katie, I don't doubt it."
With that, the hologram and his love stepped through the doors between his world and hers.