End of an Era
The Fate of the Macintosh Twins

by Tiffany Macintosh
  Fate is like a cliff in life...One slip and BAM! You're history..."
--Captain Michelle Ruisi (Tiffany's SF Academy Roomate and present XO of the Flagstaff)

Starfleet Command Intelligence Report: Reconstructed Data From The Computer Memory Of The Late U.S.S. Flagstaff NCC-85230-A. Access Granted...

"Admiral's Log, Stardate 2476110.1: Starfleet Command has ordered us to the Bajoran system to patrol the wormhole and monitor Cardassian/Dominion activity in this sector. Tension is mounting again, and the Dominion is threatening another invasion. The Flagstaff-A, being one of the most advanced ships in the fleet, has been ordered to be on the frontline should a battle occur. I have faith in my ship, but I feel as if this is the last flight of the Flagstaff-A. I don't know what it is, maybe it's just some tension from being in such a highly volatile area of space..."
Switching To Audio And Visual Logs...
"Admiral." "Yes Ensign?" "I'm getting some anomalous readings off our starboard bow." "Such as..." "From the readings, it looks like a cloaked ship." "All stop. Raise the shields and go to Red Alert. Sorry Priscilla, looks like the tour I promised you will have to wait." "I understand. It's no problem."
"Admiral's Log, Supplemental: "It seems as though my 'gut feeling' was right. We engaged in a battle with three Dominion-controlled Romulan Warbirds who must have had inside secrets or operatives on the ship, because they modified their weapons to penetrate our shields. They beamed aboard and several were killed and hundreds were injured. The Flagstaff was so badly damaged that I'm afraid I'm going to have to order what's left of the crew to abandon ship. Farewell USS Flagstaff. You were a great ship who went before her time..."
Switching to view from Corridor 3a on Deck 3...
*Tiff* "I'm sorry Priscilla, but it looks like you'll never get that tour." *Computer* "Warning! Five minutes until warp core breach." *Priscilla* "I think we'd better get to an escape pod or shuttlecraft pretty quick." *Tiff* "The Main Shuttlebay is at the end of this corridor. Let's go." *Crewmember* "Admiral! Help!" *Tiff* "Come on Priscilla! Help me with him! He's injured!" *Priscilla* "Just stay calm, Ensign, we'll help you to an escape pod." *Computer* "Warning! Two minutes until warp core breach." *Crewmember* "I'm afraid you're the ones who'll need help." *Tiff* "What? Why do you say that?" *Crewmember* "Because I'm not injured, but you two will be..." *Priscilla* "What do you mean? You look like the injured one to me."
The Crewmember stands up and slams Tiff and Priscilla against the corridor wall and his arms shape-shift into two long steel blades. He holds both twins to the wall with the blades planted in their chests.
"The Dominion cannot allow the Firenauts to get involved, so they sent me to eliminate you two." *Computer* "Thirty seconds until warp core breach."
He relases them and dematerializes in a transporter beam as Tiff falls to her knees and then facefirst onto the floor and Priscilla slides down into a sitting position and falls to her side to the floor.
View changes to USS Earhart's Bridge as the explosion of the Flagstaff is seen on main viewer and all the Bridge Officers are standing in respect for the Flagstaff.

Addendum From Admiral Zodiaque

The Macintosh Twins, Tiffany and Priscilla, sacrificed their lives to protect what they believed. I hereby award them both the Medal of Valor which will be displayed in the main hall of Starfleet Command under their picture on the newly placed memorial to two of Starfleet's finest officers and two of my greatest friends. You will be greatly missed.
Admiral Zodiaque

Post Addendum added By Admiral Tiffany Macintosh

This possible ending is now just that--Possible. It has been corrected, although incurring a TPD Violation. Due to a temporal loophole created in the timeline because of this violation, the data is still in Federation Databases and was not erased. Normally, it would have been erased by SFC to eliminate all possible timeline loops. It was left intact purposely both as a reminder of how fragile life is and as a dedication to my sister Priscilla and to Myself for our dedication to Starfleet.
Admiral Tiffany Macintosh