An Odd Theft

by Alec Solo
  A dark character peered furtively around a corner, clutching a small box in his hands. After making sure the coast was clear, he tiptoed across the room and made his way through the darkness to a door. Carefully, he nudged the door open a crack and peered all the way into the bedroom from his vantagepoint. Seeing no one, he readied his blaster, pushed the door all the way open, and stepped into the room.
After retrieving the items he desired from the nightstand, he backed out of the bedroom- and bumped into a shadowy form in the hall. Spinning around, he aimed his blaster only to see that it was only a tall furry shadow aiming his own blaster back at him.
"Did you get it?" whispered Nemo. Syndic nodded.
"Let's get out of here." They ran silently to the door of the dark apartment. Syndic tripped over a chair and stubbed his toe.
"Shut up!" Nemo hissed.

They loved to steal things from this particular person. All three of them worked in the same place, and Nemo and Syndic made it a favorite pastime to break into the apartment and steal random things from her. Of course, they always returned everything they stole… after a while. Of course, this item was of the utmost importance, and they probably wouldn't return it until she forced them to at blasterpoint.
After massaging his toe for a few moments, Syndic limped out the door and shoved the box into his jacket pocket. They both strolled casually down the hall.
"To the turbolift," said Nemo. Syndic nodded.
They got to the turbolift just as the door opened, revealing a figure clothed all in black. Syndic jumped and tried to breathe normally. The shadowy form stepped out of the turbolift. It was a relatively medium-sized humanoid wearing a long black cloak and a deep black hood. Nemo tried to smile casually, even though his paws were trembling. The black figure nodded at them. "Wolf. Thrawn." Syndic threw a casual grin at the figure.
"Mysteria. Greetings."
The black figure pulled back the black hood, revealing a hauntingly beautiful woman with piercing black eyes and long red hair, wearing only a black jumpsuit that showed off her slim but muscular build. "Mind if I ask what you two are doing on my floor?" she said.

Syndic shifted uncomfortably and said quickly, "we were just checking to see if Tess was home. Nemo wanted to ask her something."
"Ah. She's down visiting Fang and Zora. Terral is there, too. Have you looked there?" said Mysteria.
"No," said Nemo abruptly and grabbed Syndic's arm, propelling him past Mysteria and into the turbolift. "It was nice talking to you. We'll check there. Bye bye now." The turbolift doors slid closed.
Mysteria replaced the hood over her face and headed for her apartment door.
Back in the turbolift, , Nemo and Syndic did a high five. "Haha, that was perfect acting back there," said Syndic. "I thought she was gonna catch us."
Nemo grinned. "I did too. Well, we got what we came for. Now it's back to our apartment. Boy, can we wreak havoc with this," he chuckled. He loved the action and suspense of stealing Mysteria's things.

The turbolift doors slid open at their floor. They jumped out and flattened themselves against the wall. After scanning the area with their blasters, they slid sideways along the wall until they reached the door of their apartment. Syndic wrenched the door open and they spilled into the room. Nemo ran over to the curtains and pulled them closed. Syndic turned off all the lights and they flopped down on the sofa, shoving aside magazines and video game controllers to make room for the stolen item. Syndic withdrew the box from his jacket pocket and nervously ran a hand through his blue-black hair. Nemo glanced around suspiciously, then opened the lid of the box and withdrew its contents, setting it on the coffee table. Both of them oohed and ahhed.
The item was a pair of fluffy bunny slippers.
"Oooooooooh," said Syndic. "These will be so comfortable on my sore feet!"