True Beauty

by Honey Fox
  Author's Note: This was a English assignment that I wrote that my teacher loved, so I hope yall enjoy it. It's the basic 'beauty is on the inside' and 'happily ever after' story. *LOL* Dorky names, but I think the story is cute.

Once there were two sisters, Evilyn and Gracie.  Evilyn was the most beautiful, so beautiful in fact it was rumored that kings had pledged their undying love and loyalty to her. Gracie, on the other hand, was pretty enough but lacked Evilyn's spectacular beauty.
With Evilyn's breathtaking beauty, Gracie was always in the background, never noticed by anyone. Although Gracie had a beauty of her own, no one noticed because this kind of beauty was on the inside, her heart. Evilyn, on the other hand, was snide and cruel to her sister, calling her "ugly and distasteful." All the while, men clamored after Evilyn.

With Evilyn always in the spotlight, Gracie was an outcast, never noticed. Doomed to be lonely for friendship, Gracie made friends with the creatures of the forest. She took walks in the woods often. On one beautiful day she met an extraordinarily good-looking man named Handsome. So captured was she by his charm and wit, and he by her, she invited him to meet her family. Of course he agreed, charmed by her warm personality.
Later that evening when Evilyn saw Handsome, she vowed she would have him no matter what. When Handsome saw Evilyn, he was taken by her beauty until he saw Gracie in the shadows with a forlorn look on her face. He tried to go to her, but Evilyn would not let him go. She wanted him only so she could talk about herself. So it was that way the rest of the evening. 
The next day, when Handsome returned to see Gracie, Evilyn mistook his intentions for seeing her. A few minutes later, quite upset he asked, "Where is Gracie?" 
Evilyn replied snidely, "Who cares, probably with 'those animals'."
Handsome pushed Evilyn aside and remarked, "Better company, no doubt!"

When he came upon her in the woods, he saw that she was sitting beside a small stream, holding a delicate flower wreath that she then put on her head. It was said that he stopped and whispered, "be still my heart," and just stood there staring. To him it was impossible to believe that Evilyn was lovelier than Gracie. In that moment, he fell forever in love with Gracie, for her face radiated the beauty that was inside. That very day, that very hour, Handsome got down upon his knee and pledged his undying love and loyalty to her. 
They were married soon after. Evilyn disappeared soon after hearing about their engagement. Witnesses say that she roams the forest eaten away by the ugliness and evil inside her heart. Gracie and Handsome lived happily ever after. 

Don't judge people by the way they look
because beauty is only skin deep.
True beauty comes from within.