Forging The New Frontier

by Komonda
  Many people are attracted to Star Wars for the ever present Heroes' Journey Story, the struggle of mankind to throw off the shackles of the oppressor, a noble struggle that we continue today and if we ever reach them, may take to the stars, only to find the struggle began there long ahead of the arrival of us... but then again.. maybe not!
For the Star Trek fan, there is the continuation of mankind in a society that values the spirit of all living beings. We are able to boldly go to the stars to find the freedom to treat each living being as though we have a right to be valued for what we bring to the universe. These ideals, I believe, attract us all to CCC and TF.

Personally, I am glad that we are all here. I am glad to see so many people with the ideals that may change mankind, the ideals that will allow us to learn that each species we humans erase from this planet harms the entire ecosystem of the Universe. So we stop doing what is harming, and start doing what is healing.
We are about building a better tomorrow, starting here in TF and CCC, are we not? Is it not the values of Luke Skywalker, Captain Kirk, Princess Leia, Captain Picard, ObiWan Kenobi, Captain Sisko, Jadzia Dax and Captain Jayneway, and all the other Sheroes and Heroes that we value? Is this not what attracts us? That inspires us to become who we wish to be?

If this be so, then I ask you to deal with each other in chat, where ever the chat may be, here at the Outpost, or other chat rooms, as though all living creatures are as valuable to the universe as you yourself are! I'll be the first to ask you to value yourself for your uniqueness to the world. Captain Kirk has taught us that you can get away with almost anything if you treat everyone with dignity, acting from an ethics base.
When we act with ethics we bring the reality of the Star Trek and Star Wars Universe closer to being. If you doubt this, ask me 'Why I am in TF and CCC?' Because, I believe the best place to grow the Universe I wish to live in, is to do so among people who understand it. And this is what many of you do in TF and CCC that keeps me coming back for more. Thank You!

I charge each of you to treat each other with respect at all times because it is here that we grow! We materialize the equal value of each being.

We treat each other as though we are valuable by contributing honesty into the world. We harm our chat world in a way that carries over into the RW if we lie, lies can harm the person lying as well as the people they are shared with. It's that simple.
This includes situations like this: Someone sends a bar or throw saying that another peep sent it. It is something that injures a third persons' dignity, causes them to feel shame, or wonder what they did to draw that onto themselves, it causes people to leave the chat room, disgusted that we are so rude. .. can we spell harm? We have then materialized what we come here to escape! Also, it is unethical, and unkind, it may seem to be a joke, but it is a lie.
Entering the chat under a handle that is not the one you usually use can be fun and if used for play is more fun for the chat, but if a handle is used to harm or deceive it is a lie also. It can steal from our community the value of equality as well as dignity. Never represent your self as something you are not. Sisco could not be the sacred vessel until he knew he was the sacred vessel.

The dignity of the chat is stolen anytime that we call someone a name that is not kind or funny or loving. After all, everyone can tell if I'm playing or acting like an idiot, right? But if you point out in anger my shortcomings, then you not only act like an idiot yourself, but congratulations, you are now rude as well. OH! I'm so harsh... but so is harmful name calling. It harms everyone! Look what happened when Kirk called Spock a dog faced boy, he almost got killed. I know it is t.v., so do you, but is it not our new myths? Our stories to live by?

Acting ethically in cyber mated relationships is important as well. Remember, we are all RL people behind our handles, and a cyber relationship can be as important to someone as a RL relationship! So it is important to be honest and kind. I personally have watched a lot of people in TF and know that I believe this is good practice, just like dating is, to find what you want in a mate. I approve of cyber relationships, but caution everyone to remember that we are real people with real feelings.
We need to act with the same dignity with each other that we should in real life. In the chat we meet, date, fall in love, cyber marry and divorce, we have cyber children. We care for each other, and we are not Captain Kirk's, unless we want people to laugh at us for trying to have all the women or men. Although we can look with sympathy at Kirk for he loved his ship so much, every woman knew they would not be able to be as important to him as they wished to be. So he is as single. If this happens to you, don't take it personal. Just like in high school or college, in cyber, we get to know people and decide we are or are not right for them, or they are not right for us. Only if you are very lucky, and work at it, can you maintain a relationship or grow it to the depths we all seek. Some people think oh, it's only cyber, how serious are we? Ask each other when you start a meeting and be honest! How serious are you? Cause we all know it is cyber, but we all have feelings and we all know we are real people, with real feelings.
One thing is for sure, once you have been to a Union, you know it! We TFers and CCCers are very serious. I count some of the peeps I met at the London Union to be some of the people I will always hold close to my heart and love for they are real life friends, RL before and after the Union.
I charge you to begin each chat 'growing' what you wish to bring into the world!
Good Luck and Good Fortune, May we all get the Frontier we deserve.
And Babies - I think we deserve the Best!