- untitled -

by Dmitri
Outpost10f - Little more than a gathering of lost souls and the destitute, desperate, lonely... a sanctuary for any passing traveller. Stay for a day, stay for the night or stay for longer. But you should be warned, if you stay long enough you may just never leave. In the beginning, you'll find yourself slipping on when you shouldn't... just to speak to your friends for the briefest of moments. Then you'll come home from work, it'll be raining outside and windy, you can't find your car keys DAMN IT you knew you left them around here somewhere... so to hell with your friends. They don't really care. But we all know who does.


Outpost10f cares.

But there is no denying it, in the end you'll just not go out. You'll come home every night and you'll come online and chat away till the small hours of the morning...


It slips away just that quickly and before you know it the whole night is gone. You will deny it, well all do, you're NOT addicted to this are you? No, well of course not! To make it better you'll stay away for a month, then the next you'll be back... they always come back in the end.

Your friends don't care and neither do they matter, but we know who does...

Outpost10f does.

When you're sad, you'll always be welcome. When you're lonely, we won't turn you away. When you want a shoulder to cry on, we'll be here for you...

And one day you'll wake up and you'll stare out of your bedroom window at the passers-by, as you pull your robe tightly around you. Two lovers holding hands. A mother rushing to get her children to school. An old man with his dog. And in that single moment... you turn around and see nothing but your laptop staring back at you and you suddenly realise -

Outpost10f is your life.