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Edgar Bowers
Born March 2, 1924 Died February 4, 2000
Edgar Bowers was born on his father's plant nursery in Rome, Georgia, on March 2nd, 1924. He served in Intelligence during World War II, in Berchtesgaden, Hitler's eyrie in the Bavarian Alps. His poetry was deeply affected by his experience of these war years. He returned to the University of North Carolina on his discharge from the army in April 1946, and then finished
his graduate studies with a Ph.D. in English at Stanford University.
Bowers' first work of poetry, The Form of Loss, was published in 1956. His other books of poetry are Collected Poems (Alfred A. Knopf, 1997); For Louis Pasteur (1990), which won the Bollingen Prize for Poetry; Living Together (1973); and The Astronomers (1965).
Bowers received two Guggenhiem Fondation fellowships, and worked at the University of California,Santa Barbara as a professor of English for most of his professional life. When he retired in 1991, he moved to San Francisco. He lived there until his death on February 4th, 2000.
Biography by Seerdon
Submitted on 10.01.02
Works Cited and Consulted
Biographical Information and Image of Edgar Bowers
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