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Artist - 20th Century Fox
© 20th Century Fox Film Corporation
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
~By Jemmima
Betty and Ralph got happily married
only spare tire didn't Brad carried
He and Janet went to see their friend
but then they met the sign "dead end"
Brad and Janet had to walk
and in the rain they started to talk
Then Janet saw a dot of light
it was a hope for their plight
Brad wanted to get a phone
but the castle hadn't one of their own
Riff Raff and Magenta showed a dance very sharp
with Trannies and Columbia it was called the Time Warp
Frank N. Furter amazed Brad and Janet
thought was he really from their planet
Friendly Frank wanted them to stay
but really he just wanted to play
At the lab Frank showed his new creation
a monster Rocky bodybuilding by his occupation
Then Eddie escaped from the freezer
Columbia wanted to come with him to the breeze
Rocky got too excited by opinion of his creator
Frank took and shoved him to the elevator
Ice pick and wicked mind
Frank wasn't really kind
Rocky and Frank retired for the evening
Brad and Janet still didn't get the meaning
Janet got a room of her own
so did Brad and he almost started to moan
Riff Raff scared poor monster Rocky
in his mind he started to get too cocky
Dogs chased Rocky around the yard
and Janet was still without her fiancé "bodyguard"
Janet went up to the lab
'cause Frank's visit made her sad
There she discovered him with Brad
maybe he isn't just a one-way drag
Janet and Rocky found each other
Magenta saw it and thought "oh brother"
When Rocky was vanished Frank went mad
and Riff got beaten 'cos he was so bad
"Mercy!" he shouted but it didn't help
Frank just continued and took out his belt
Intruder appeared to the castles door
it was Dr. Scott who'd wheeled there through a moor
"Let`s see him in person" Frank made the call
Electro Magnet dragged dr Scott through the wall
Frank found Rocky and went upset
Rocky was fooling around with Janet
Frank pissed off and everyone was scared
then Magenta shouted "the dinner is prepared!"
Dr. Scott came to see Eddie
but he wasn't there and neither was his teddy
Eddie on the table seemed like a dream
and when Columbia got it she started to scream
Things started to happen again
and Riff and Magenta laughed like hell
They all ended up Frank`s laboratory
maybe they needed some cosmetic surgery
but no Dr. Scott noticed the Sonic Transducer
and Frank told them it'll "seduce 'ya"
It did and Columbia went upset
Frank switched lovers -that she didn`t forget
Frank confused about Columbia
and Magenta used the statue-making Medusa
Brother and sister had some sinister plans
both of them weren't exactly great Frank-fans
Frank was ready for his great Floor Show
the group dressed lingerie ..how wilder can it go
It could and it did
Frank jumped to the mist
In mist were a big swimming pool
and the company followed him there right through
They all had so much fun
but then space-Riff&Magenta pointed Frank with lazergun
Frank noticed that wasn't a game
he was deeply in trouble and started to explain
it really didn't help
and all were truly afraid
Columbia couldn't stand it anymore
she still loved Frank and shouted "NO!"
Riff shoot Columbia and she fell down
Brad and Janet hoped they never left their hometown
Next in line were our dear Frankie
and Riff Raff started get more and more cranky
It was the end of Frank N. Furter
Rocky Horror ran to his beloved creator
He wanted to bring him back
but he couldn't and his world turned black
Rocky climbed with Frank to the R.K.O. tower
but they were too heavy and it started to fell over
The lazers bounced away from Rocky's muscles
Riff's gun couldn't kill him -neither his knucles
But Rocky did died
he must have drowned
Riff advised the company to leave
and he didn't apologize for being so mean
Magenta laughed -she was happy
but in humans opinion she and Riff were daffy
It was time them to return to their planet
in Transsexual there wouldn't be no Brad no Janet
Instead they were at the castles lawn
the ground was misty and was nearly dawn
Dr. Scott was lying with his wheelchair
Brad and Janet were crawling looking for their pair
The castle left with a beautiful rainbow
and this was the story of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
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