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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Edna Hibel
© 2003 Hibel Studio, Inc
Welcome Sun ( a letter of trees )
~By Dark Rose
My Love,
At first I was afraid for I had grown many seeds before.
My first time, I held so many dreams and so much love for my little seed.
My first love was for a Cedar Tree. I was so confident that this rare beauty would grow healthy and strong.
My heart broke when my darling seed would not grow and blossom.
A few months later, I gathered the strength to try again.
This time I planted a Pine Tree.
Oh, the joy when my precious seed began to sprout!
With a shout of triumph, I decided to plant another Pine Tree for balance.
These particular loves were active and trustworthy.
Each year they grew healthy and strong.
An occasional storm would damage a branch but, it never slowed my little trees that grew like weeds.
After a few years, my garden needed more.
I decided on a Apple Tree.
I wanted to be free to pick from my tree and eat what I grew with my own hand.
An Apple Tree has a pleasant charm.
It overflows with love.
Everytime I choose an apple from my tree my heart swells with love!
Although I thought I was complete, imagine my surprise when I noticed a little Elm Tree growing in my garden!
The noble pleasant shape and tasteful colors, grew faithfully in my garden.
I welcome the shade my little trees give me.
In return; I water, feed and shower my trees with love.
I welcome the sun and bask in it's glory.
Not a day goes by that I am not grateful for the garden that grows in the sun.
Thank You, dear husband for helping me tend my garden with your loving hands.
Thank You, my love, for making Our garden grow.
With All My Love your babydoll
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