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Poetry Contest Entry

© 2002 Brandi Jasmine
If Ever I Should Lose You, If Ever You Should Die
~By Anon
Dedicated to my Beloved Friend Donna
For the love and beauty she has brought to
so many. For teaching and showing me
an inner strength and belief.
IF Ever I Should Lose You, IF Ever You Should Die
My friend, my sister, my mother, my kindred-spirit
If ever I should lose you, If ever you should die
The very thought haunts me, drops me to my knees
How will I make it on that day, deep down my soul cries
My friend, my sister, my mother, my kindred-spirit
If ever I should lose you, If ever you should die
None can ever share the memories we have made
Only you, who has become an intricate part of my life
My friend, my sister, my mother, my kindred-spirit
If ever I should lose you, If ever you should die
Our minds seemed linked, sharing same thoughts
Giving us goose bumps and giggles of delight
My friend, my sister, my mother, my kindred-spirit
If ever I should lose you, If ever you should die
Sharing, listening, loving, laughing and crying
So much has touched us so deeply inside
My friend, my sister, my mother, my kindred-spirit
If ever I should lose you, If ever you should die
My hands wouldn't be able to touch the keys
If I knew you would never again be online
My friend, my sister, my mother, my kindred-spirit
If ever I should lose you, If ever you should die
The vast emptiness that would fill my heart
would cause my tears to flow and never dry
How do I go on living without you by my side
My friend, my sister, my mother, my kindred-spirit
If ever I should lose you, If ever you should die
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