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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Benedict Gomez
© Benedict Gomez
Peace Uncovered
~By Melody Lee-Carte
It was a marvelous winter's night
the stars shining wondrously bright
a time when all dreams could come true
this could happen to only a few
With the elegant countryside
covered in a blanket of white
snowflakes falling thick and dense
covering the earth with it's innocence
There's such a hush all around
as transparent lace hits the ground
the trees are covered in winter's white
I stand amazed at this glorious sight
I feel the chill graze my face
as I thank God for this amazing place
I've never seen such a peaceful sight
where everything looks perfectly right
In this moment of tranquility
I find that I am not in need
In my heart a sonata is sung
knowing the adventure has just begun
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