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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Unknown
© Unknown

Abortion Is Homicide

~By Holly Newbaker

Before you were born your heart had a beat,
It beat to a rhythm.
Your legs had feet.

Before you born your mouth had a tongue
Your tongue had taste
Your chest held lungs

Before you were born you knew how to kick
You knew how to fight
How to throw a fit

Before you were born your head held a brain.
You knew how to think,
How to feel pain

So tell me how unborn babies aren’t humans.
They share the same exact qualities we do.

Please tell me why you can kill them and not us.
When you kill an adult, people make a fuss

And if you can read this, your mom was pro-life
If she wasn’t you wouldn’t be alive

She would have killed you when you were in womb
She would have put you to your doom.

But wait; remember
You’re not a “human” until your due date in December.

So, it wouldn’t matter now would it?
She would have done something she shouldn’t.

Next time you so much as even think of abortion
Remember you were once that infant unformed.

Abortion must soon come to a halt.
It’s not the little baby’s fault

Comments: These are my views on abortion and I understand if you don't like them

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