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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Tabora
© 1999-2003 Tabora Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.
Indigo Moon
~By Britni Renea Sherman
Oh large white mass of the indigo sky,
I yet to understand why I stare all night.
Just as still as a bird with no breath,
Believe me when I say I get no rest.
My eyes so heavy and my body so tired,
This love continues on like an untamable fire.
I wish I might, oh moon I wish I may;
Make his love be true through the light of day.
Let him have real love and confess that it's true,
Then his heart would glow too with a sweet red hue.
Baffled am I with my unreturned love.
Moon, will you please help with a kiss from above?
I thought I was committed and could continue to try,
But all alone, my eyes melt as I continue to cry.
So, here I stand beneath you every night,
My sad heart wants to scream, but I can only sigh.
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