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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Disney.com
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Why Is It?

~By Aussie

Why is it that monsters change shape as you age?
Why do they, why must they, change form?
Why is it that the boogey man doesn't scare you,
When you've been alone in the storm?

Why is it that as you see the outside world,
The monsters aren's as scary when you're older?
Why is it that the monster under your bed scampers
Because you've gotten much bolder?

Why is it that adults have to act brave?
To protect their kids from monsters who wish harm?
Why is it that monsters back off when adults around,
Talk and make their children calm?

And Why is it that Brain Farts attack,
When I'm trying to write a good poem?
Right, I give up, I'm not gonna fight it.
Stuff this. You guys, I'm going home

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