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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Unknown
© Get There.com
Doing Time
~By Aussie Lore
Here I am, dressed as a guard.
Doin' time, and doin' it hard.
Stuck inside a wire fence
And people wonder why I'm so tense,
Why I have trouble sleeping at night,
Why my life now holds no delight,
And why I can't seem to let go.
It's because of what I now know
And because of what I have seen.
Some may regard me as being mean
But will they not open their eyes
To the fact that I've been desensitised?
That number one is now me?
Will they understand that's how I NEED to be
To last at all in this weird world?
I just wanna return to being a little girl,
But in everyone's eyes, day and night
I'm an ACM Officer, in blue and white,
"The bad guy", through and through.
So believe me when I tell you
That loss of innocence is my only crime.
So here I am.
Doing Time.
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