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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Unknown
© Airborne Environmental Pollutants And Asthma

Sea Of Green

~By Aussie Lore

A long walk down a dusty road
With large rocks bordering the path.
My faithful companion is NOT by my side-
He is about 20 metres ahead. Chasing rabbits.
The sun burning down on my aching body,
Warming it, making me feel more human.
I call my dog and he comes,
Puffing like a train and looking happy.
Two birds fly overhead and the dog chases them.
I shake my head and laugh. Where does he get the energy?
I crest a hill and there I see a sea of green.
The cool wind blowing ripples along the top.
The dog, still chasing birds, bounds happily
In the deep, green sea.
And as I near my destination,
I stand still for a moment and think:

I really should mow that lawn this weekend

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