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Poetry Contest Entry

Forever and Always
Artist - Gail Goodwin
© Art.com

The Marriages of Michael McDeary

~ By Ryla Chan

Michael McDeary had been warned all his life
That if ever he took a wife
"Don't take one who's just pretty
Or one Who's just petty
The prettiest flowers whither first
The Prettiest girls are always the worst."

To all this Michael turned a blind eye
In the end he married Cindi McFly.
Cindi was tall with a ten inch waist
They were married together in great haste.
Things started out grand like all marriages do
But few can stand times dreadful rule.
After a year Cindi left him
She ran off with a guy named Jim.

His seccond wife Lisa lasted three years
She left him crying large, lonely tears.
Nicole was try number three
A more spoiled brat you never did see.
Like Cindi and Lisa she left him too
They met in court when she sued.

Married three time Michael was a wreck
Even considered moving to Quebec.
The years had put their mark on him
No longer was he youthful, handsome or thin.
He managed to make his lawyer rich.
Ten grand for each time he got hitched.

Yet in the very back of his mind
He recalled that awful rhyme
"Don't take one who's just pretty
Or one Who's just petty
The prettiest flowers whither first
The Prettiest girls are always the worst."

The next time he married she wasn't the prettiest
But nor was she the pettiest.
Her Name was Leslie Andretti
And she was his lawyers secretary.

Michael McDeary Died last year
his final words whisper in his sons ear
"Boy, don't take one who's just pretty
Or one who's just petty
The prettiest flowers whither first
The Prettiest girls are always the worst."

When he died and left this earth
His ex-wives felt their lives become uncursed.
They danced a jig
And through a party
Invited their husbands, Tom, Jim and Marty.

Yet Leslie sat alone and cried great tears
For her husband of seventeen years.

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