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Heaven's Full Of Angels Tonight

~By Amanda Sielu Paris

Joshua had taken all he could
He got a gun and brought it to school
When he turned it on everyone
He told himself they would pay
All those years of holding it in came out
It all started with one pull of the trigger

This isn't about where he got the gun
This isn't about where his parents went wrong
It's about the lives that won't go on
You can point fingers to place the blame
I don't have the answers but I know as I cry the tears
Heaven's full of angels tonight

The media will pick it apart until we're confused
Their faces plastered everywhere we turn
Years later we'll remember
But the horror will be gone
Replaced by the next big thing to rock our world

Kids can be cruel, adults can get distracted
No one will really know what snapped
How God let this happen to this small town
We'll never know how we failed them
Where we went wrong with them

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