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 Photo provided by Amanda.
Dancing On Daddy's Feet
~By Amanda Sielu Paris
She has his eyes
His sarcastic sense of humor
At only six years old
She's the light of her daddy's life
With another laugh so loud
She takes ahold of his heart again
She rests her head on his arm
They watch the bride walk down the isle
He knows they'll be there someday
But for now he's the only man in her life
He picks her up and the world disapears
The music was written for them
He holds his little girl in his arms
Keeps her from falling, keeping her safe
He may have to let go someday
But now she's dancing on daddy's feet
It scares him to look around
The world he'll be leaving her
He wonders if he made it any better
He can't always protect her
But he'll hold on as long as he can
Someday she'll be too big
And he'll be too old
She won't dance on his feet like she use to
But he'll take what steps he can for her
While she's dancing on daddy's feet
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