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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Zsuzsanna- info@zsuzsanna.com
© 2001 Zsuzsanna.com
There Is A World In Which I Only Know.....
~By Hamlin
There is a world I so bitterly know,
where the world of drugs always puts on a show,
of how many lost souls they have received,
for only the ones who never believed,
who gave up all there hopes, there dreams,
to the tired and soundless screams,
to the crack pipes they play as there musical flute to vent,
cause to the devil there souls was lent,
for sheer fame of comfort they eagerly sold,
what they can only temporarily hold,
a small pack,
that crack.
There is a world that I know,
that no sane person would ever dare to go,
where children are mirrored images of their mothers,
their fathers,
where some of us don't bother to look,
for there childhood the drug had took,
9,10, and even 11,
are in the streets way past 7
for the world they so contently know
is the world where most of you don't dare to go,
do you past them on the street
in there eyes do you see the defeat
could you help, would you dare
or is these poems only to represent a poet's flare
only to show you where there
how now for your life you do so care
but wait, maybe that's where you fail to realize
your not free
because you can't even look into a crack child's eyes.
you pity them,
when they need none,
in your poems you speak of how your life has begun,
then pay close attention my friend,
for this is the last advice I shall lend,
as you start each day remember the children you exposed
your drug abuse to,
now do all that you can possibly do,
to rectify the lives you did not know you took,
for the times you went out in public to use,
for the children you don't know that you abused.
There is a world of which I only know,
where most just come and go,
in and out as if it was your local market place,
where the children's memories are never erased,
take the time now that your sober an clean,
to help someone without means,
show them how a true recovering addict should be,
help another child live drug FREE.......
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