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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Sir Joshua Reynold © Barewall.com
At Peace With God
~By Tanya L. Robertson
I reach out for help, but it isn't there.
I see a light shining bright.
I reach out for it and a hand is near.
I take hold of that hand and let it guide me to safety
for I feel like I'm drowning in my worries.
But then I see a face.
It Speaks to me.
The Face tells me do not worry I am here to take away your worries.
I speak to the face, who are you and why do you help me so?
The face speaks again, do not worry child you are safe now, you are in God's hands
I will protect you and Guide you in life.
I turn back to the face, and say
Thank you my friend for you have healed me in so many ways.
Then the face begins to fade away
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