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Poetry Contest Entry

La Classe
Artist - Unknown
© Barewalls.com


~By Amanda Sielu Paris

She arrives before the sun
Papers graded, lessons to teach
She sees potential in some
Wasted in others
They may complain about school
May hate the workload
But the influence she makes goes unappreciated

A car accident cost a life last night
He seriously thinks about hanging it up
The 3 AM calls and ambulance runs take their toll
But before he can quit
The pager sounds and he answers again

Dinah greets Mrs. Smith in her room
The daily grind of pills and food trays
Some seniors have stories
Others can't comprehend where they are
But she knows they're there for a reason
She just hopes that someone will care enough her last days

Breathing life into others
Planting seeds for the future
Nuturing those planted yesterday
They go on unappreciated
The effect goes unnoticed
The influence never rewarded
But they trudge on another day

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