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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Icewind Dale
© Icewind Dale
The Emptyness
~By TransformURmind
Empty spaces filled with rage,
Endless faces in their cage
A so world ravaged by hopeless greed
Materialistic, egoistic, sadistic breeds
People are all the same indeed
Feelings once so warm and tender
Now resemble an arctic winter
Ceaseless thoughts they flood this mind
With out release of any kind
With out feeling deprived of love
What God could endow such infinite pain
For just one second I’d like to feel
A touch so warm and full of care
Unwanted like a leper whore
I wonder through this empty world
With hope that one day I might find
Some one with a face so warm and kind
I see you every ominous day
Your voice so soft my only cure
With eyes as bright as a summer day
And a smile that takes my breath away
You always look at me to say…
Blinded from sound lost in your beauty
I never hear your words so soothing
But you are far too good for me
You deserve better than I could ever be
Love is such an injured word
Not even I have felt its worth
But when I say I love you so, I mean it
More than you could know
You once gave me a work of art
A picture from which I did not part
When no one else was there for me
I found this picture you gave to me
The darkness lifted, the numbness faded
As the warmth filled my heart so jaded
So believe me when I say its true
My love is and will always be for you
With realization over head,
The darkness rises once again
I know I can not ever win
But just so you understand
I would give my last breath for you
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