One would wonder why you would envy the life of a child
Ever so dependent and helpless,
A life seemingly so frantic
When compared to an adult’s life of mild.
I can image what people would think
Might I be crazy, insane, or just a plain fool?
Well travel in time yourself in your mind
And sit back letting your mind sink.
To a time when you didn’t fear the constant talk of war
When you weren’t affected by the words tossed about,
Ignored the violence before you
Or knew the business of a whore.
Back to when your mind and soul roamed free
When you cherished the love you were given,
To when looks and the fame didn’t mean a damn
And you worried about the monsters in your closet instead of those in D.C.
So when those with power have their way
And proclaims how far we’ve come from troubled times,
I’ll be sitting and asking how far must we still must go
Until happiness has won the day.