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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Thomas Franklin © Art.com
~By Savena
Look out on the skyline, all steel and glass,
This moment is precious, but this moment won’t last.
Now in the distance, the whir of a plane,
Closer and closer, its purpose insane.
A 7-5-7, and twin tower one,
The greatest catastrophe has now just begun.
The plane hits the tower, a shattering roar,
An eyewitness stares in shock and in horror.
A terrible accident has just occurred,
At the twin towers, Yes, this was the word.
Brave men and women rush to the aid,
Look out! A strike on twin tower two has been made!
A great ball of fire erupts from her side,
The strength of America now has been tried.
Miles away in W.D.C.,
One other strike do the people there see.
Passengers once more make innocent pawns,
As plane number three breaks the proud Pentagon.
But wait, there’s another, plane number four,
It goes down in a field saving many lives more.
It could have been worse though, you must agree,
Instead of two targets, it could have been three.
If not for the brave men on plane four,
The deaths could have been greater than the people aboard.
Though plane four had a sad destiny,
This plane could have been a worse tragedy.
Plane number four was destined to be,
Another attack on humanity.
Too many lives were lost on that day,
There is nothing, nothing, that people can say.
Remember, America, never forget,
The day that the cast of the new world was set.
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