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Case Closed
~By Lucy O'Neill-Tucker
Nine Years Ago Two FBI Agents, Mulder And Scully Came onto the Small Screen
Their Mission Was To Search For the Truth About Aliens, UFO's and other Unexplainable Things
They've Been through and Seen a lot, From a Man Who Can Literally Squeeze his way through anything, To a Bunch of Ball Players Called the Roswell Grays that Turn out to be Aliens In Human Form. As they continue to find the truth, They find themselves falling for each other.
Till One Day, Mulder is Abducted By aliens leaving Scully alone in the hospital after fainting
Though Finding out she is pregnant. They Then Introduce Two New Characters, John Doggett and Monica Reyes
Together They Help Scully In The Search For Mulder, Which Leads them to More Unexplainable X-File Cases To Solve
I Sat There Glued to the TV As all This Happened, My Eyes Wide Open along with my mouth
Amazed at how Awesome The Special Effects are and How The Actors That Portrayed Their Characters Without a Miscue
Every Sunday Night Was A Great Night, Cuss it was an X-Files Night.
I've Always hoped They Continue With the Series
Sadly I was heart Broken When I heard The News
"Chris Carter Calls It Quits. That's Stinks" I Said to Myself as I Cried
All In All it Was a Great Series and I was Proud to Be apart of it
But Just Like Everything Else, There has to be an End To It all.
Though Mr. Carter Is thinking of Making it Into a Star Trek-ish Way With Another Movie Coming Some time soon
All I can Say About This Is, "Thank You For a Great Show Mr. Carter. I wish You the Best."
Now We all Wonder How Will They End Such a Great Show And to Finally Say These Two Words....
Case Closed
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