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Poetry Contest Entry

Storm Force
Artist - Hag
© Art.com

The Long Hours of Last Night

~By Black Velvet Kiss

The Long Hours of Last Night
A windstorm's smoking on the horizon.
The front's hue is shifting from amber to alabaster gray.
The sun is long dead and has been for awhile.
Though, you can still envision its radiance skipping across the heads of the wheat plants.
All this occurred the night my soul flew away.
I sat, a dark angel on the broken down front porch of my farm house,
whistling in tune to my guitar.
In in the deepest corner of my mind, the birds fell silent and the animals stopped thriving.
The wildflowers arched their heads back and perished with a painful howl.
Everything went black and the storm began to scream.
The gravel road cracked into cubes of fire.
And this all happened the evening my sanity boiled over and burned my heart.
Force knocked the leaves and fruit off the peachtrees,
And left them naked.
Their bark smoldered in the presence of icy, arctic air.
Afternoon transfixed the warm, June day into a frigid, December night.
The peachtrees whipped their jagged arms around like robots.
In the sheer madness of it all, I continued to play louder, faster, more primal, more rhythmic.
And I was composed, although my dark hair became a brown, tangled mass, and
my white dress whipped against my sides as the trees began to fall.
I wanted my notes to be as piercing as the last few seconds before a person's life ends, but as sweet and soft as a first kiss.
I wanted them to cry truth and beat the Earth like thunder.
I felt my eyes glow blood red when I was hypnotized by the storm.
And this untimely blast of fate took place the night I was shown no mercy.
I didn't see the windows shatter, or hear the tornado take hold of me.
My senses became a synestasy of emotions.
In my final moments, I thought of nothing but the young and virtuous waiting for me in heaven.
The storm will be long past when you discover my body and my guitar with its strings ripped out.
Also a line of blood from the top of my neck pointing down at my heart and a single crystalline tear frozen in place on my cheek

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