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Poetry Contest Entry

Irish Landscapes 1V

Artist - W. Cunningham
© Barewalls.com

What is it?

By Scamall

It is Home

It is Parent

It is Joy at the growth

It is Sorrow at the hatred

It is Awe at the history

It is Shame at the racism

Its is Satisfaction in it’s achievements

It is Annoyance at the Politicians

It is Happiness in it’s natural beauty

It is Anger at it’s destruction

It is Quiet Silence in it is ancientness

It is Shouts of Rage at Injustice

It is Delight at our rise internationally

It is Fury at outdated stereotypes

It is Passion for our culture

It is Fear of it’s disappearance

It is Pride in calling yourself Irish when away

It is Humiliation for killings carried out in your name

It is Hope for the future, bright and welcoming

It is Tears for out past, so violent and tragic

It is So Much more then this pen can express

It is Home

It is Ireland

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