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Poetry Contest Entry

Irish Memories

Artist - Unknown
© Barewalls.com

Clover of the Heart

~By Riker1

It was time past, the couple had come,
From Ireland they came,
Under a bright giving and shining sun.

They had left their land, their home from afar,
And had come to this place,
This place that was strange to them,
A place not yet in their hearts.

Sorrow overcame them,
And tears of sadness fell like the rain,
They had left their homeland,
Feeling joy of a new life,
But also the feeling of solitude.

They were strangers in this new land,
A couple of hearts in an unknown setting,
They couldn't go back,
They had to start their new life.

The wind crisped and leaves began to fly,
As a familiar item dropped to their feet from the sky.
The clover of the heart,
Reminding them of their homeland,
Reminding them that no matter where they were,
Home would always be with them,
And so would the love of life.

They would cherish this clover,
The one emblem they recognized in this new place.
They would carry it with them wherever they traveled,
As a piece of their new home and a link to their past

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