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Poetry Contest Entry

Tears of Joy
Artist - Forneys Jewelers
© Forneys Jewelers

Beautiful Tears

~By Amanda Sielu Paris

Some view crying as a weakness
Others an emotional overflow
Tears appear in good and bad
But the tears themselves are never bad

Beautiful Tears
They can burn
Make a path down your face
But let them fall
Let all the anguish trail behind
It's okay to cry those beautiful tears

The child that fought for life
A survivor her first breath
The mother who watches her first steps
A little one who already conquered death

The husband that let's go of the hand
A hand he held through fifty of marriage
The newest angel at the gates
A precious soul he let go of

The soldiers that salute the stars and stripes
A forever battle for freedom we enjoy
The grown men of the military who understand that right
A single tear that finds its' down their face

Beautiful tears
Let all of it go
Cry those beautiful tears

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