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Poetry Contest Entry

Earth and sky III
Artist - Berry Masteller
© Berry Masteller

Heart's Indecision

~By Matt Russell

How can I as a mortal being
Be expected to walk right up,
And speak to her
As though it doesn’t mean a thing?

Perhaps to some
This whole thing seems foolish,
But do they feel as I do
Do they have feelings they can’t help but hide from?

Isn’t it normal for this to terrify
When happiness depends on one answer,
While the other will do nothing
But make you want to curl up and die?

People whisper to you and try to say
Of how there is so little risk,
But do they know how it will turn out
Do they know how things will be come the end of the day?

Have I turned this into something that will confuse
Or perhaps just made too big a fuss
, But won’t you agree with me the fact
That this game is surely no one wishes to lose?

O this hassle has become too much
Almost making me wish it away,
At what point did my heart so need to be loved
When did my hand have a need for another’s touch?

While my mind is left with insanity
My heart has become nothing but shambles,
But don’t you worry of my fate
For things will somehow work out for me.

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