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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Unknown
© Natalie Portman.com
~By Faith Hawk
In my Sleepless Dreams I'm alone, not a soul around.
No mother to warm me from the coldness of the dark.
No Pleasant Dearms fill my head, no sun to warm my tears.
I'm alone, I can see them.
The people walking, talking, living and dreaming.
They can't see me, they can't here me, to them I'm a ghost.
I scream out yet they walk by, all of them meaningless drones.
I see my faimly in my Dream, they point and yell at me,
they seam to now I'm there but, it's not me they yell at.
No I'm Alone only sadness and darkness is every where,
Where is the joy I once knew?
Is it a dream I pinch myself many times but, ohhh I can't wake up.
Help me!!!
I'm trapped in this meaningless darkness I call my Dream.
It has swallowed me and consumed my very soul,
oh the cold, the darkness.
Can I ever wake up form my dream?
Will I find the light again, or forever trapped
between the real and the dream world?
Can anyone here me?
The real me trapped inside this body, moving meanlessly onward.
"Let me out", I scream but, she can't the world would crush me.
So here I stay alone, always cold, always in the dark.
I close my eye's and soon sleep comes,
and in my dream, I'm happy once again.
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