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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Alice Dalton-Brown
© Alice Dalton-Brown
~By Anthony W.
Just there (against all reason)
She waits,
Over a sea of glass,
An infinite silver flash.
Expand the glow of morn and mind.
She is hugged to the razored line.
The time beats with her wings
A hollow drummed sound,
Leather wings on air.
The leathered beats of a time not found
Now reflected on the water
Refracted still, silver and sound
Find my ears and fill them.
Wonders of an age I never had.
Just a moment of an unrestricted skull.
I stoop my head back to rest
Then look, past curtain and bleary morning lights.
Just there (reason sees),
No beast nor beauty
Nor creations,
Or, just that: creations of a mind
A man forced to a fate,
Born one thousand years too late.
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