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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Johannes (Jan) Vermeer
© Barewalls.com
The Tie Dye Heart
~By Voyman
Have you ever looked into the abyss
The colors blending and circling round
Wondering to yourself what you have missed
In life and love; what you thought you had found.
Farther and farther you seem to descend,
Colors of yesterday fade once again.
You continue your fall to fateful bind
'Til nothing but blackness enters your mind.
Your heart is cold, lips frozen to each kiss
Your soul not free, but held tight to the ground.
Once you lived in complete and utter bliss
But now find yourself falling through Time's lounge.
You look back through the clouds and second guess
The life you have lived, the choices you've made,
And wonder with sorrow what has been left.
If only the suffering had been much less.
Your family behind, seems much less time,
To say farewell at the Church's ring chime.
Alone you are; I bid thee a farewell
From whence you came, return with the bell.
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