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Shattered surface

~By Thomas Nobbe

And on the shattered surface we lay,
Shards of the perfect reality stab our backs
and they remind us of the
eden world
we left behind for our state of knowledge.
Bliss for knowing - what a choice.
Was it truely Eve? Or was it Adam?
That was the betrayor of him? her? it?
It is these questions that we would all know
the answers for
If only they could stay their lust of fruit.
Yet, why place such temptation if he? she? it?
wished to keep us as his? her? its? children?
These questions plague me and more -
divide me.
answer me not you will.
For you are the silent one.
Oblivious to my questions
as we lay here
with our shattered existance,
draining more than just our blood.

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