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My Guarantee
~By Amanda Sielu Paris
Look how far we've come
And how far we have to go
There's nothing that certain
No easy way through life
There'll be walls we can't climb
Broken dreams we step on with bare feet
But I promise you
I will stand by your side
Fight with you your every fight
We're in this together
It may not be easy
We may break down sometimes
But this is my guarantee
Baby, when you need to be strong
But you don't have any fight left in you
I will be behind you
You've always supported me
Let me grown inside
Stood by my side
You never stopped me
Sometimes I will cry
And you won't understand why
Just hold me tight
Your arms will make it all right
Keep holding me through the night
You'll awake to find me revived
That's when...
I will stand by your side
Fight with you your every fight
We're in this together
It may not be easy
We may break down sometimes
But I've given you my guarantee

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