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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Christopher Zacharow
© Corbis
What Happens To Me?
~By Owen Groves
My life was easy, my life was great,
Until I lost a battle with fate,
It almost killed me, it was too much to bear,
It was like they didn’t even care,
I couldn’t stand it, I wanted to die,
I thought it would kill me, I couldn’t help but cry,
I thought I was the problem, I thought it was me,
I thought that I was the key,
They said they’d be best friends, but what does that mean,
For honesty’s not one thing I’ve seen,
They weren’t abusive, there was no violence,
There was just a lot of silence,
They’ll be happy, away from each other,
They might even try to find another lover,
The only thing that I don’t see,
What happens to me?
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