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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Uknown
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Mystic Breeze
~By Tanya Robertson
The breeze from the open waters
Caressing thy face as the winds blow.
The heat of the sun, beating down against thy body.
The winds blowing of the water.
Gently sending a mist of rain across the land.
Standing in the middle of the street.
Letting the breeze of the mystic winds brush over her.
As the winds begin to whisper.
She sees the sun begin to rise, and the clouds begin to fade
A rainbow begins to shine over head.
A variation of different colors.
That shine from the mystic breeze.
As the night sky sets the breeze once again claims itself.
Stirring winds of altitude.
With rains of mystic pleasure.
Spreading from place to place.
Putting a smile on each face.
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