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Poetry Contest Entry

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© Outpost10f.com
~By Kapeka
Give me a hug; give me a kiss, so I know that I've been missed
Your avatar is charming, while mine is most alarming
If your heart is filled with sorrow, my time you can borrow
Tell me about your life, leaving out none of the strive
Pick me a rose in yellow and you can be my fellow
Offer something from the bar, and our conversation may go far
Sing a song of rapture so my heart can't escape capture
Drop an anvil on my head and you too may end up dead
Give me a poke then tell me a joke
And the room will fill with laughter
Wave goodbye to those on the run and continue having fun
If my conversations shirk'n then I'm sure to be a lurk'n
Oh dear! Another Lamer, ISA will soon be here to tame her
Don't start a commotion by mentioning how you never got a promotion
Some, who like to be heard, spare no flattering of word
And when my time is done here, bid me a fond farewell
And when we meet again, I shall greet you as a friend.
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