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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Quan Sun © Quan Sun
A Promise to My Love
~By Ayanna
When I look into your eyes I feel a warmth
A warmth that never have I felt before.
A passion yearning to touch your very flesh.
I reach out to touch as you pull away.
Wondering what I've done to make you push me away.
Only then do I realize that you are a mere image in my dreams.
I wake up in a sweat as I sit and I ponder the meanings of my action.
I pray that one day when the sun is high and the cloud is clear that we can be together.
For my heart and soul ache to feel the warmth of your touch
For my heart is completely and udderly devoted to you the one I love.
Remember this, I will always be your love till my dying day.
for you have made me the happiest women alive.
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