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Poetry Contest Entry

Dumb People
Artist - Unknown
© Unknown

Fart Trek- Voyager

~By Aussie Lore

On the bridge Tuvok tensed, something unknown was sensed.
"Captain," he reported. "Something's out there."
Kathryn Janeway asked, the Vulcan re-tasked.
"What exactly is it, Tuvok? And where?"

"Starfleet Records do not show, and Borg technology does not know,
Instead, I would be forced to estimate the nature.
Captain, it stops all thoughts, freedom can not be bought.
This is indeed a fierce, unruly creature."

Chakotay turned in his chair, gave the Vulcan a stare.
"Are you saying this creature would kill?"
Tuvok looked in his eye, and with a little sigh,
Showed the database that was ever so still.

Harry muttered "It affects the computer, the little spooter.
And even now I have not a thought to think."
Seven stepped forward, what she said would
Make the crew in astonishment blink.

"I know what's out there, more terrifying than the Kazon stare.
That is species 1234567890, in part."
"I need to know. What is this ugly creature the the viewscreen shows?"
"Captain, it is the advance force of the Brain Fart."

"Red Alert!" The klaxxons going, the crew rushing, knowing
That they once again faced a big danger.
But right from the start, they knew the brain fart
Was no longer a creature-type stranger.

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