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Poetry Contest Entry

Shattered Dreams New Hope
Artist - arielscouse2
© arielscouse2

Reality and Regret

~By Matt Russell

My heart has been shattered into a million pieces
This fact I know to be true,
And with it go all the happy colors
Leaving my world painted in a sullen blue.

Pain rests in my eyes
And the trembling in my hands refuses to relent,
Both only serve as a reminder though
That my happiness has become all spent.

All I can do is curl up inside and sit
While the pain tears through my being like a knife,
Leaving me only to exist as a battered shell
Which has come to regret what has become of my life.

Shock over this ripples through my soul
Causing everything for me hard to bear,
And then darkness begins to consume me
As my only wish becomes that I simply did not care.

O how I wish for this world to be taken away
Taken to somewhere far away from me,
So that the pain and misery of this world can be gone
And so that happiness can once more be all that I see.

Sadly though I know this to be only a dream
And in reality what we had has been torn apart,
So with a tear in each eye I can only say this
Goodbye my beautiful sweetheart.

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