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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Tom Browning
© Tom Browning
Christmas in Australia
~By madlena
Christmas in Australia couldn't fail to be a treat,
Instead of ice and snowmen,
We have sunshine, flies and heat.
We don't need to roast the turkey
Bright and early Christmas morn,
It's best to do it Christmas Eve,
Before your temper's worn.
And just forget the Christmas pud
With custard piping hot,
A trifle made the week before
Will suffice as like as not.
With summer beating down full pelt
Forget about the Scotch -
You'll need an ice cold beer or three,
But your timing you must watch!
To drink it early in the day
Courts nothing but disaster,
But then to drink it later on
Means you have to drink it faster.
To while away your Christmas day
Beneath the summer sun
Quite often means a fuzzy head
Before the evening comes.
So while you nibble your ham salad
And slurp your icy beer,
Spare a thought for those poor sods -
Freezing - in the northern hemisphere!
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