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Poetry Contest Entry
Artist - Wendy Reeves
© Fine-Art-Prints-and-Posters-for-Sale.com
The Prize
~By Sam
Sunlight filtering through the trees
The cool damp air surrounding my body
The world waking up around me.
Motionless I sit, waiting, watching
wondering if today will bring my prize.
Birds leaving the nest, finding their breakfast
never seeing, never suspecting.
Mr. Rabbit eating bits of tender grass
Always nervous, but not knowing
Squirrels playing in the trees,
stopping occasionally to eat a nut.
The Quail passing by ever alert,
but not realizing...then there he is - the prize.
He steps out in all his glory, the antlers
his color beautiful.
Slowly the rifle raises against my shoulder
The scope brings him into view,
the cross hairs come to rest on his chest.
My breath quickens, my finger finds the trigger.
But not today..........
I watch as he continues on his way, never knowing.
A smile crosses my face as I quietly slip out of the
I'm satisfied because I know,
I know
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