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Poetry Contest Entry

Santa Q
© Honey Fox

A Deep Space Nine Christmas

~By Babel

"Twas the night before Christmas" on Deep Space Nine,
And all were in their bed.
(To look his best for the Christmas feast,
Sisko had polished his head.)

For the past few days all efforts were made
To prepare for a jolly Yuletide;
The station was decked with odd decorations,
That cunning old Quark had supplied.

Jadzia told Worf, "We need a nice tree,
So off to Bajor you pop -
Chop one down with your Klingon sword
And bring it back, with a fairy on top."

Miles O'Brien, that most genial of men,
Dressed up in a Santa Claus suit.
But when Odo mistook him for a nasty ol' alien,
The startled Chief yelled, "Don't shoot!";

Puppy-faced Julian, still on the prowl,
Found some fresh Mistletoe.
When he tried to kiss Kira, she slapped him hard
And told him just where to go.

"Twas the night before Christmas" on Deep Space Nine
When Q appeared in the hall;
"Humans," he said with a whimsical smile,
As he left gifts for one and all.


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