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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Paramount Pictures Inc.
© Paramount Pictures Inc.
The Silent Salute
~By S'Toth
I walk aimlessly, swept away in thought
People talk to me, and I respond carelessly
They think nothing of it then leave me alone
For they don’t know me, nor do I care
This suits me fine - less expectations
Or so I tell myself, but this is a lie.
I judge myself so harshly and my punishment -
My punishment is a life of solitude.
I sit alone, work alone, play alone
This is my self imposed prison, a safety net
Now I can be myself, and not get hurt
But even in this self imposed exile I feel pain
Loneliness burns deep down inside like a bushfire
I search for friends in my own ways
A Star Trek or Marvin the Martian t-shirt and jeans
This is the uniform on my personal crusade.
On the journey I have undertaken,
The long journey to my holy grail of self acceptance
I have been lucky and fortunate enough to find friends
Fellow trekkies, or other self aware people - individuals
Who are not afraid to be or express themselves
These people are not warriors, nor do they stand around idly
They are my calm spots in an ocean of despair
And to these friends I bid a silent salute - thank you
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