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Poetry Contest Entry

Artist - Emma Barton © Barewalls.com
~By Tanya L. Robertson
Sometimes I sit and wonder why am I on this planet?
Then I remember my family and friends
My nieces and nephews who look up to me.
It all Seems so clear now.
God made us all to give meaning to life.
If we take away from that life,
What do we have?
And to have nothing would mean to have no life.
So when I sit and wonder about why I am here.
I look back and remember all the happiness
The fun times with my nieces and nephews.
The laughter, joy and happines brought to me by them
All this given to me by God
If God did not want for me to have it he would not have given it.
So why take away all that joy that was given to me?
For just one mere thought
A thought that is only put there by my loneliness.
So whenever I am down I remember what God has given me
A life full of happiness and laughter.
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