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Poetry Contest Entry

James Dean
Artist - Gottfried Helnwein
© Allposters.com

A Not-So-Warm And Wet Walk Home

~By Miloshkin

The dampness of my shoes
making squishy sounds in their old age
walking, infinite distances walking,
all day, every day, for hundreds of years,
for eternity
to and fro
from school to work to home
walking, walking, walking
until I feel like Terry Fox
bitter and limping
but for not such a good cause as he
except for the fact I might lose a leg
or two or three
the rain attempts to violate me
to seep into my skin, my soul
to batter me down
and I raise a soaked, sagging arm
up towards the distant gray heavens
and shout as loud as I can
towards the swirling heavens above
the words lost in the maalstrom
of moisture and devilry

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